Today's post is all about tea. Iced tea. Hot tea. Sweet tea. Oolong tea. Chai latte tea. Tea & Sympathy. Tea cup. Tea time.
SiS/Few Miles proposed the word prompt of '
bliss' and
Monday's Child posted a playful illustration by Jessie Wilcox Smith (1914) of a small garden party.
Of course, I thought of tea. Wouldn't you?
My first poem today is the ubiquitous 5/7/5 haiku and my second poem is a Canzonetta. So...sit back, take a nice comforting sip...and enjoy.
Tea & Books
“Tea and books – Mmmmmm, two of life's exquisite pleasures that together bring near-bliss.” ~Christine Hanrahan
I sippa cuppa
while reading a cozy book.
Ah, what bliss this is.
Tea Party
Sipping some tea, just my monkey and me,
telling each other cute poems and tales,
pondering things like the crybaby tree
or potpourri - or the song of blue whales
or the word for “dot over ‘i’” (tittle!)
or bats (they turn left, leaving a cave.) ...Or…?
Then, we sip sweet tea, nibble a little.
We munch and we chat – since this we each savor.
Giggling at jokes, just my monkey and me,
telling each other some weird but true facts
like…porcupines float in water, you see
and slugs have four noses (strange to the max!)
I just found out snails can sleep for three years.
We really don’t know which fact is our fave...or…?
We try a new biscuit that’s known as ‘pig’s ears.’
We munch and we chat – since this we each savor.
Cleaning the dishes, my monkey and me.
He washes; I dry. We put away stuff.
He says, “Under black light, what glows? Cat pee!”
I laugh ‘til I cry out, “Gaaah, that’s enough!”
Tea with my monkey is always a blast.
I never can guess what might happen...or…?
Next week we’ll hoot once more, at our repast.
We'll munch and we'll chat – since this we each savor.