Sunday, February 6, 2011

All eyes are on you - and the parts of speech...

Happy Sunday!  Today's poems, unlike yesterday, have only one thing in common - they are poems (if you stretch the definition just a bit.)  SiS/Few Miles provided a picture of eyes as their haiku prompt, and Sunday Scribblings wants to see a story, which I attempt to do in triple Rictameter form.  Ready?  Here goes...

RequEYEted Love

I am watching you,
trying hard to unnerve you.
Wait.  What?  You like it?


Image courtesy Squidoo
 Conjunctions and Conjugations

This is
the story of
the conjunction,
which may sound silly but
that’s what it is, and yet some folks
may scoff and say, “Conjunctions?  Bah!  Nothing!
They’re not even some worthwhile parts
of our language or speech,
nor have they worth.”
But, see…

the conjunction,
the run-on sentence would
run on on on on on on on…
we would be stuck using prepositions
which might be fun for a while but
that would get dull quite fast
and that would suck,
you know.

But wait, there's more...

Now here’s
a story of
(not to be confused with
conjugal, which is something else.)
Am, Is, Are, Was, Were, Be, Being
and Been are how you conjugate the verb
‘To Be.’  When Hamlet said those words,
he was conjugating
and you can, too.
The end.



  1. Definitely 'like it' and how clever to be able to conjugate...Jae ;)

  2. Thanks! That's high praise coming from a talented writer such as you!

  3. Clever fun poem about conjunctions with a nice form. And I enjoyed your haiku on the "eyes" prompt.

  4. lightverse,
    Yes, the welcome stare and the sculpted cunjunctions make for a humorus and clever story.

  5. RJ, the conjugation poem was loads
    of fun. I can always count on some
    humor from you:)


  6. Pamela - glad you enjoyed it. It was fun to write!

  7. Of course we like it. "Eyes are the windows to the soul" it is said. Even in your blog photo you are looking at me, not the others!

  8. Old Egg - you are so right - and so funny! ☼

  9. interesting one "watching you watching me" lol

  10. An altogether clever post. I like the way you handled both challanges ... you are certainly up to them. I must say thought that I particularly like the haiku. Thanks you for a Sunday p.m. chuckle.

  11. That was great fun, and clever, too.

  12. Your Haiku conveyed a lot.. Liked it... Great great great..

    Someone is Special

  13. Jamie - thank you so much for your kind words! ☼

  14. Someone is Special - thank YOU for the imaginative prompts! ♥

  15. Welcome Join Jingle Poetry Potluck week 21,
    Feel free to share 1 to 3 old poems or random poems, cheers.

    Love your talent demonstrated here,
    Hope to see you share.

  16. RJ, I'm all over the grammatical twists here, a real delight!

    And those eyes, lovely haiku. You have such variety, love it. Amy

  17. Jingle Poetry - thanks! I'll try to visit with you! ☼

  18. Thanks Amy! I do like to change things up a bit, to be unexpected. (Sometimes it works, and other times, not so much, I guess,) ☼
