Thursday, January 27, 2011

...and you thought the red carpet was the only place to find the glamour...

...Big Tent Poetry gave a really fun prompt for this week.

The idea was to use a not-taken-by-you (the writer, that is) portrait, of which you either have the rights or is part of public domain - and then write about it from the artist/photographer point of view.  The picture I decided to use is in the public domain, but since I found it at the website, I'm giving a link back to them.

Now, as soon as I saw one particular picture, I have to say. I was seriously inspired. And guess what?  The inspiration was to write a Villanelle. Yup.

And that, in turn, led me to think of Dylan Thomas. 


Do Not Go Gentle Onto That Good Beach

Do not go gentle onto that good beach,
at least, not in that costume which you wear;
Fashion is merely a figure of speech.

As I’m your closest friend, I must beseech
you – please do not parade in that - not there.
Do not go gentle onto that good beach.

Jersey Shore’s no place for your Jersey peach.
(Sigh.) There’s just one way to make you aware:
Fashion is merely a figure of speech.

So I guess I should practice what I preach
and photograph you in your swim suit flair.
Do not go gentle onto that good beach.

When you see my snap, I hope it will teach
you a lesson re this trendy affair.
Fashion is merely a figure of speech.

Whilst I shoot you, like a Greek chorus, each
sand and sun worshipper does thus declare,
“Do not go gentle onto that good beach!
Fashion is merely a figure of speech.”


  1. Gentle or not gentle, I think she should have stayed at home!

  2. Absolutely romp! I squealed with delight especially here: 'Jersey Shore’s no place for your Jersey peach.' The photo is a peach and your Dylan Thomas style villanelle is superb! I loved every line and image - and all the images your images evoked.

  3. Rinkly - my thoughts exactly! haha!

  4. That was superb! Bob Dylan would be pleased with you!


    singular thoughts

  5. Gautami - thank you for the nice words - and thank you for giggle! ♥

  6. RJ, this is delightful fun. I love it and this line is wonderful
    "Fashion is merely a figure of speech.”

    Thanks for brightening up my morning.

  7. Stellar! The words sing and the image rocks!

  8. Great fun, and it's lovely to see a villanelle, or indeed any formal poetry in this freeverse age!

  9. Tumblewords! Thanks! That's so kind of you! ☺

  10. Viv - thank you. It's funny but I seldom write free verse. Typically, I write in poetic form, and in rhyme (although I'm embarrassed to admit that metrics sometimes do take a beating from me,) ☼

  11. Glorious. You found a great way to ask, "What are you thinking?" I love this...

    And what was she thinking? :-P

  12. Delightful read, and one has to wonder if she was at all aware of how she looked. And the garters, what were they for? Thanks for a wonderful laugh, you poem is great.


  13. OMG, I'm smiling ear-to-ear. Love how you used the classic novel title and tweaked it for your purpose. I wonder what they'll say about us in 100 years.

  14. RJ- You are so very creative and clever with your takes on the prompt and unique approaches to them! I simply adore this.. the fun tone is delightful!


  15. Thanks, Elizabeth! I was wondering about the garters too, but - well, to each his (or her) own, I guess. ☼

  16. Thanks, Mark - and yes, I have no idea as to what she was thinking, but if I had to hazard a guess, she thought she was all that and then some! ☺

  17. Thanks so much L2W2D - and that's an interesting point. I hope that 100 years from now, my work is still around and folks still think it's humorous, That would really be something, huh?

  18. Thanks, Laurie! Coming from you, that's high praise, indeed! ♥

  19. This is hilarious! What a fun poem...and the picture is perfect with it! I love her expression!

  20. What a fun poem. *Love* that it is a villanelle! A tour de triumph!

    The peach was my favorite, too!

  21. Thanks, Deb! How peachy of you to say that! ☺
