Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Shadorma and the Broken Window...and other stories...

Image courtesy of E2NZ

Street Baseball

Broken glass
lying in the street
means one thing,
just one thing:
I hit a huge line drive. Now...
you have no windshield.


Today, I'm going to be posting a bunch of poems.  The above Shadorma was written in response to two different prompts by Big Tent Poetry: 1.) write about a broken window, and 2.) write about something that no longer exists.  If you want to be picky, I suppose the window in my poem does actually still exist, but instead of one large piece of glass (ie the windshield) attached to the car, now there are lots of little tiny windshields which have been (for lack of a better term) set free.

Magpie Tales provided a photographic prompt of a glass of ruby colored liquid sitting on a marble surface.  Inspired by the Shadormas I saw on Reflections' and Jinksy's sties yesterday, I wrote yet another one:

Vintage Shadorma

A wine glass
holds many secrets
one unlocks
with a sip,
but beware: one secret, like
one sip, leads to more.


And finally, Poetic Asides.  The prompt (a two-fer for Tuesday) was to write a poem in poetic form and/or not (ie anti-form.)

Pro-Forma Shadorma

The pressure
from having to write
a poem
on each day
for a full thirty days is



Poems written in free verse
on metric scale are simply worse
than any rhyme. They are a curse.
But if you still would wish to nurse

your muse, instead of the other way ‘round, you can write whatever you want to write then without worryorfearofthosenastyrhymesandemetricswhicharesuchapainintheyouknowwhat.




Anti-form is not the norm
for poetry that’s penned by me.



  1. I love the first two Shadormas, RJ. You've inspired me to give it a go. later this week...
    I just posted this:
    http://www.kimnelsonwrites.com/2011/04/12/goddess-creates/ ounde

  2. A wonderful collection of poems, RJ, love the windshield shadorma. Ironically, I wrote a shadorma yesterday. I saw a discussion about the form on another site.


  3. I suspect that you start with one idea and form and quickly find your mind filled with more and more 'must writes'.
    On the other hand, maybe all the ideas are there impatient to be expressed. Regardless, I'm sure you have more than enough to fill more than one not so slim volume.

  4. Loved the de-versify! LOL...and the couplet. You do make me smile :)

  5. RJ, you really ARE prolific. Good stuff. I still plan on doing a 'form poem' as well by the end of the day, in addition to the one I posted already. I agree that the pressure of having to write a poem a day is undeniable. However, I do it as I do most things...one foot in front of the other.

  6. Hooray for your shadormas, the essence of wit. I think we're on the same wavelength about this poem a day thing: but we keep on keeping on.

  7. Good day today...learned what a shadorma was. Then read some clever examples here. Got some added entertainment from "De-versify"...although I must say I agree more with the sentiment in the "Rebut." This was a very enjoyable read. Thanks, vb

  8. I like writing shardomas and enjoyed reading yours. I think I like the vintage shadorma best.

  9. What fun to read these forms of poetry. Shadorma is my favorite style to write; probably because it's easy.


  10. Yeah, I like these, you can say a lot with a few well chosen words!

  11. Loved the titles (and the pieces, themselves): "Pro-forma Shadorma" and "De-versify". Very clever! :)

  12. I like "Street Baseball" - fun and funny. And thanks for introducing me to the shadorma form.

  13. Love the collage of witty verse you have created here... the titles are fabulous lead-ins.

    Thanks for mentioning my blog in your post.

  14. Very entertaining selection. Having only discovered the Shadorma yesterday I'm delighted to have such good ones to enjoy.

  15. I love your Vintage and your Pro Forma...I will need the wine after writing a poem for 30 days straight...bkm

  16. 30 days straight. What can one say but "Well done!"

  17. I read the first two poems - LOL, loved the first one; hugely enjoyed the second. Good stuff!

  18. oh yes, one sip leads to more, and then the secrets spill one after another! nicely done shadormas! :)

    My Magpie Post

  19. perfect rhythms.
    well done.

    beautiful write…

    Invite you to join poets rally week 42 by sharing a free verse today.

    You will love the encouragements you get once you are in and make commitment.

    Your poetry rocks!

    awards for you!

    Hope to see you in!
    Have A Blessed Easter!
