Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Ol' Family Tree

The Ol’ Family Tree

branch is
the crazy side!

branch is
 the ugly one.
Notes:  The form, which I've been having a lot of fun with lately, is Hay[Na]Ku.  (Actually, it's a double Hay[Na]Ku.)  I have to say, this crazy little form is highly addictive.  Try it and see for yourself.  Poetic Asides is currently running a forms challenge using this form.  Check it out.

Theme Thursday posted the above picture today with the word 'tree' as the prompt.  Under the circumstances, I had to use this form to write this poem.  ☼


  1. This is a fun set ... I enjoy writing both Haynaku and reverse Haynaku!

  2. I don't know about various types of poems (can't even find the word I'm looking for right now, sorry), but I enjoyed this. A lot!

  3. Hmm, sounds like a family reunion. I'm the apple that rolled far from the tree.
