Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Poe Poe Me: Once upon a time, I was ravin' about writer's block...

Image courtesy of EBSQ

Once Upon a Keyboard

Once upon a keyboard, weary, while I pondered word-string theory,
Over verb and adverb pairings, I thought, “What a crashing bore!”
Still I typed, fairly quickly: suddenly I felt quite sickly,
As if something went a-missing, dissing at me, so I swore.
`’Tis distraction,’ thus I muttered, `snapping, ‘cause I sure was sore -
Only this, and nothing more.’

Ah, distinctly I recalled it – it was writer’s block: Work stalled. (It
sucks!) And so my sentence structure wrought its ghost like ‘crime-fic’ gore.
Justified, I sought appeal; vainly I had thought to steal
From some books or other store – of vast knowledge (Could I score?)
For my new, ingenious novel – which my agent will ignore…
Nameless now for evermore.


Notes: The form is parody.  And it is a obviously a parody of Poe's The Raven.  For Robert Lee Brewer's Poetic Asides November PAD Chapbook competition, the prompt for today was 'Once upon a _____.'  As soon as I saw the prompt, I knew I had to go in this particular direction.  And guess what?  No writer's block happened either.  I just sat down and wrote the Poem. 


  1. this was fantastic and makes me want to read Poe now, I have that poem somewhere, it just rolls of the tongue, such fun to read!
